We Want You... Join the Conch Republic Navy Today!
The Conch Republic Navy is always seeking able-bodied Men, Women & Children to join its ranks. All new members will enter as an Ordinary Seaman unless approval from the High Command is obtained by a Commanding Officer. Only Captains and above may request direct commission of officers. Promotions will be granted based on community service and charitable donations to the CRN and/or the community of the Florida Keys and Key West. Each raise in rank shall require 100 hours of volunteer work (in the past year). Honorary CRN Officer ranks above Captain can also be obtained with a contribution of $5,000 or more to the CRN. Members must maintain a uniform appropriate for their rank to be eligible for promotion. Visit the CRN Merchandise page for uniform information. The High Command will review and approve all requests for promotion. The High Command continues to reserve the right to enlist, commission and promote at its pleasure. Submit your completed CRN Recruitment Form to: CRNInfoOfficer@gmail.com.