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Military Articles of the Armed Forces I. Application These articles shall pertain to all bonafide members of the armed forces of the Conch Republic, including the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard CIA (Cuties in Action), Navy, Coast Guard, Green Berets and Special Forces (along with their respective Reserve Units.) II. Mission The mission of every member of these forces shall be to protect and defend the honor and territory of the Conch Republic against all enemies, animate or inanimate. III. Conduct Members of the armed forces shall always conduct themselves in such manner as to promote the values of our nation, which include (but are not limited to) warmth, humor and respect. IV. Respect for America No member of these armed forces shall commit any act or utter any words which shall show disrespect to our parent nation, the United States of America, even in times of war or when intoxicated. No flag, including that of the Conch Republic, shall be flown higher than the flag of the United States. In case a member of the Conch Republic military is also a member of the United States military, their duties to the United States military shall supersede those of the Conch Republic. No member shall wear any medal, ribbon or other decoration of the US (or other nation’s) Military, unless he or she has earned those decorations in the service of that nation. V. Membership Membership in these armed forces shall never be based on, nor influenced by, any person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religion or any other criteria and will only require loyalty to our nation and that which it stands for. VI. Subordination Membership in these armed forces shall never be based on, nor influenced by, any person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religion or any other criteria and will only require loyalty to our nation and that which it stands for. VII. Non-Violence No member of these forces shall commit any act of violence or any other act which may result in harm against any other member. VIII. Appointment Any officer may appoint enlisted personnel. Officers may be appointed by senior officers of the rank of Captain, Colonel or above. Commanding Officers of the respective services shall be appointed by the Supreme Commander. Flag Officers may be appointed by the Commanding Officers of the respective services, with the approval of the Supreme Commander. IX. Succession of Command In the event of the death or incapacitation of the Commanding Officers of any branch of the service he or she shall be succeeded by their Executive Officer. Upon assuming command of any branch, the new Commanding Officer shall appoint their Executive Officer. X. High Command The Commanding Officers and Executive Officers of the various branches of the armed services shall constitute the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Supreme Commander shall serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Chiefs shall appoint such Staff Officers as they deem necessary. XI. Succession of Supreme Commander In the event of the death or the incapacitation of the Supreme Commander, that position shall pass to the next senior officer. In the event of any dispute concerning seniority, or any other qualification, the new Supreme Commander shall be elected by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the approval of the Secretary General. XII. Declaration of War Declarations of war may only be executed by the Prime Minister and the Secretary General. No member of the armed forces may declare war. XIII. Firearms In time of war the use of real fire arms may be required. In such cases, only BLANK ammunition may be used and such fire arms will always be aimed well above the heads of any targets. The Commanding Officer of any unit using such weapons shall personally inspect every round of ammunition. XIV. Military Justice In the event that any member of these forces commits any serious violation of these articles, or any act unbecoming to a member of these forces, he or she will be subject to court martial. The court shall consist of 5 officers, including the member’s immediate superior officer and the Commanding Officer of his or her branch of service. If found guilty the court will pass appropriate sentence, which could be reprimand, orders to perform certain extra duties, orders to make restitution to any offended party or, in worst case, dismissal from the armed forces. XV. Duels If any member of these forces considers themselves to be offended, insulted or dishonored by any other member, he may challenge the offending party to duel. In such case, the duel shall be fought in strict observance of Conch Republic Military tradition. The traditional weapons which may be used are limited to water guns, water balloons, Conch fritters, stale Cuban bread and Key Lime pie. The duel will be fought at a minimum and maximum distance of 5 paces and shall be witnessed by at least 3 members of the armed forces. The witnesses shall declare the winner of the duel, after which both parties shall publicly forgive each other for any transgressions, real or imaginary, thus concluding the affair while satisfying the honor of everyone concerned. These articles were ratified at a meeting of the Joint Chief of Staff on August 19th, 2014.
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